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Μουσική παιδεία

Once a week, children aged 3-6 have the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills with the help of music.


Twice a week, children aged 2 and older attend music & play education classes, given by a dance teacher.


A child dentist visits the school once every six months. This approach has been chosen so that children aged 2-6 form a relationship of trust with the dentist.


All children are medically checked as a precaution (auscultation, throat and ear checks, etc.) by the school pediatrician, Ms. Athina Koutzoglou, every 20 days.

Ψυχολογική προσέγγιση από παιδοψυχολόγο

A history of the child taken via questionnaire, in-person meetings between the parents and the child psychologist, counseling and parenting schools.