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Γραπτή καθημερινή επικοινωνία

Daily written communication

through a personal notebook\



Updates and communication via the school’s social media.

Γραπτή Αξιολόγηση

Written evaluation

Twice a year, parents are informed on their children’s progress in all areas of development. This concerns children aged 2-6.

Προσωπική Συνάντηση

In-person meeting

An in-person meeting with the teacher and the child psychologist twice a year.

Ψυχολογική προσέγγιση από παιδοψυχολόγο

A psychological approach by a child psychologist

A history of the child taken via questionnaire, in-person meetings between the parents and the child psychologist. This concerns children aged 2-6, but may be available to younger children if deemed necessary.