With the teacher’s help, the children learn the concepts of cooperation, group integration, and autonomy.
The children begin to develop their imagination and observation skills through songs, storytelling, and music-and-motor exercises (a combination of song and movement). The following activities also take place for children of this age:
Music and Play Education
The children participate in both free and guided games that help them be integrated into a group by getting to know their body, their friends, and the space in which they are moving. Some of the stimuli the children receive are musical instruments, psychomotor instruments (e.g. hoops, ribbons), and traditional dances and songs.
The children express themselves and develop their creativity by exploring elements of the dramatic art (role-play, movement, speech, space, time, symbols). The activity is simplified for the younger children, who simply imitate the teachers.
The children get to know and recognize various works of art, as well as experiment themselves, using their imagination and creativity. Younger children become acquainted with materials and apply various techniques to their works, freely or through guidance.
Plays - Puppet Plays - Shadow Plays
Our school diligently organizes plays, puppet plays, or shadow plays, with the children’s participation being a necessary condition.